A Colorado Carpet Brokers installer you decide on will take exact measurements, however, before you order carpet from us you will need a rough estimate of your room size so you can plan your budget.

If you have a tape measure, ruler or yardstick, measure the length and width of the room in feet. (Remember, a yard is three feet.) Just type in the length and width and press the Calculate button to determine your quantity.

Your Measurements:



X Width:



Results in Square Yards: Results in Square Feet:
Total Area: Sq.Yds Total Area: Sq.Ft
Recommended Carpet Area: Sq.Yds Recommended Carpet Area: Sq.Ft
Recommended Quantity to Buy: Sq.Yds Recommended Quantity to Buy: Sq.Ft

Note: The carpet calculator adds ten percent to your totals to account for closets and room irregularities. In general, it’s a good idea to buy extra carpet to allow for cutting, seaming, and pattern repeats. The calculator rounds results up to the nearest whole number, as carpet is sold in units of square yards or square feet.

For additional free help and advice to help you find the best flooring – whether carpets, hardwood floors, tiles, laminates or luxury vinylat the best price, call 719 426-7371 or 303 990-4041.