With the exceptional quality of many better carpets, your carpet could “ugly” out long before it “wears” out. Make sure it doesn’t with a comprehensive care program made up of SIX parts:

No Carpet is Absolutely Stain Proof

Some carpets have stain resistant treatments that improve your ability to clean stains, but not prevent stains. Similarly, carpets with soil resistant treatments reduce the rate of soiling, but all carpets require regular care and maintenance. Ask your sales representative to learn about some of the breakthrough’s in carpet soil and stain resistance technology.

Staining Versus Soiling

Some carpets have stain resistant treatments that improve your ability to clean stains, but not prevent stains. Similarly, carpets with soil resistant treatments reduce the rate of soiling, but all carpets require regular care and maintenance. Ask your sales representative to learn about some of the breakthrough’s in carpet soil and stain resistance technology.

For additional free help and advice to help you find the best flooring – whether carpets, hardwood floors, tiles, laminates or luxury vinylat the best price, call 719 426-7371 or 303 990-4041.