Colorado Carpet Brokers


Because COLORADO CARPET BROKERS is a broker we can sale you the absolutely BEST BRANDS of Luxury Vinyl.

COLORADO CARPET BROKERS can deliver Luxury Vinyl or (LVT) that are a cost-effective solution for homeowners on a tight budget. Their resilient, bendable material comes in various sizes, and because they are manufactured, virtually any pattern or color can be created.

The material used for these tiles is sturdy, long-wearing and crack-resistant. The top layer of these tiles is protected by a layer of clear urethane, which helps prevent scratches, rips and tears. The second layer is the colored design of the tile, followed by the felt or fiberglass backing. Due to their construction, vinyl tiles also absorb sound vibrations, so they are quieter than regular tiles.

To select the very best Luxury Vinyl Flooring for your COLORADO HOME and LIFESTYLE, you should contact COLORADO CARPET BROKERS today, and because we are a MOBILE FLOORING SOURCE, we can be on your door step as soon as you want us!

For additional free help and advice to help you find the best flooring – whether carpets, hardwood floors, tiles, laminates or luxury vinylat the best price, call 719 426-7371 or 303 990-4041.